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Onko siulle parempi aloitaa yksitysesti valmentajan kanssa vai ryhmässä?


Henkilökohtainen valmennus voi tuntua turvallisemmalta ja olla tehokkaampaa. Joskus tavoitteesi ovat erityisiä, jolloin räätälöiyy suunnitelma toimii paremmin.


Ryhmä-valmennus ja henkilökohtainen valmennus voivat yhdistää.

RYHMÄLIIKUNNASSA on energinen meno ja siinä aerobinen treeni toimii parhaiten. Se on myös edullisempaa.

HENKILÖKOHTAINEN VALMENNUS toimii taitojen hiomiseen ja yksilöllisten prioriteettien käsittelyyn.

✅ 30-45-60 minuutin sessioita löytyy.

Varaa "No Sweat Intro" ja voimme tehdä suunnitelman yhdessä.



"Fostering an inclusive community that is not just for hardcore crossfitters"


“I think it was so nice to come there every time even alone because you made me feel very welcomed. I also really liked how in the beginning of every workout we went through all names and the question of the day. Helps to meet new people in that environment! -Aliisa”


Coaches are very friendly and supportive and I always feel welcomed. Classes in general have great atmosphere. 

Name one thing you think we could do better:
Can’t name anything at the moment.

How would you rate us overall on a scale of 1-5?:
5 “


“The quality of the coaching and teaching is excellent, the atmosphere/culture at CrossFit Sörnäinen is really great and personally these are two reasons I like it so much. Also as someone who likes the smaller classes, I really value that you run classes with a small number of participants. I still see others people from my On-Ramp who have subscriptions, which is a nice sign.”


“Very supportive and generous with tips and guidance”


“The gym is very friendly and the atmosphere contributes to a low entry barrier for working out, both as a new person coming to training or after a possible break. The set-up is very inclusive for all levels and you feel very welcomed to practice and improve. My first year has been a very positive experience
The guidance to movements is very good; also a lot of knowledge with coaches for possible substituting movements, when needed.”


“The atmosphere at the gym is warm, encouraging and welcoming and the workouts are fun but challenging.“


“Giving instant advice on what kind of exercise to do instead of an exercise that doesn’t suit me at times when my back (etc) hurts. I’m very happy that I’ve been able to exercise fully in class even though my back has been sore, doing other kinds of exercises to 100%.”


“In the gym there is always a very warm and encouraging feeling around, it is nice to come there” 5/5


“you keep your standards in high and right level in your way of training and classes “ 6/5 stars


“The coaching has been excellent so far. I like that you correct every time if you see need for improvement in the movements etc. — — You get an overall 5. I have been super happy with you! Keep up the good work.“
- Siiri

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